Almost even the most intelligent people do have in them another power embedded in their ignorance. Hardly do they know this. For those of us belonging to the other classes, we are powerful because of not being intelligent. Are we stupid if we are not intelligent? The answer to this question is embedded in what we do not usually bother asking. Power. This element is the problem and the solution to either being outstandingly intelligent, average, ignorant or to an extreme stage of stupidity.
We all belong to one or two or even three of these classes. Some belongs to all. Those who share commonality are usually friends and vice versa. This power of ignorance is almost a fault of even those who are uniquely gifted by nature to be extraordinarily intelligent. They have their doubts in other things. At this point they are ignorant about that thing. On other matters where they have a balance idea they stand average with the group of averagely intelligent people. And sometimes if not many, they become stupid too just like the group of stupid people. Many will ask how can Marx, be stupid? How can Adam Smith belong to the group of ignorant people? And the group of people I admire most are the philosophers who make knowledge out of there stupidity even though they belong to the group of the averagely intelligent people. They simply are the wisest. They may in fact, outside the gift of nature stand as the most bravest group of people. They assume to know the world. They predict the future. They craft methods and claim providing solutions outside the laboratories. Even though most of these people sit quietly in their offices or moderately walk around observing, they still are outstanding in the ignorance that engulf us all. Many philosophers incompetently look farer than they have visions to see. They in short, attempt to be the solution to every other thing that the other group of people cannot solve. They problematize even solutions. And since they make us to believe that we have a lover percentage of exceptionally intelligent people in our society, we rush to them for many answers. But since we have highest percentage of ignorant people than any other class of people, we naturally all at some point become not only ignorant but also stupid. You will agree with me that at some point of your life, you have been attracted to things you do not desire. It was either you were too stupid or too average to understand. It could also be because you were ignorant of what you were up to. Whether you may call it a discovery, adventure or whatever, the result to you was never clear at the starting. If you were that exceptionally intelligent as was believed you will bother yourself a lot before any adventure. Only philosophers who belongs to the average intelligent group of people usually do this. This is because they are scared of failure. They are careful because they think they will never make it again if they fail. Many philosophers are observers because they want to learn from others failure. Thus they are not brave as was stated before instead they are very wise and careful. Many others who belong to this group of people(averagely intelligent class) are not all philosophers. In fact, many of these people are later drag back to the class of either stupidity or ignorance.
Yes but why? The averagely intelligent people commonly do not know about themselves. They are scared and sometimes very weak. They rarely ask refusing to be looked at as being ignorant or stupid. All they usually resort to is secretly learning from others. Anytime they come out to be identified is usually late or rather insignificant. Their works are not many but they are consulted all the times by all the other groups.
The average intelligent class of people are normally few even at birth they count a lot. Nature has very little to play here if at all. Nurture is the steering force here. It is very fundamental to improving the population of the other two groups. Hardly do averagely intelligent people climb the ladder to belong to the very or exceptionally intelligent group of people because they recognise deeply this group of people above them. Sometimes they consider it as natural and not achievement. They believe that class(exceptionally intelligent people) is limited and thus they cannot belong there. Anytime they jump, frequently they fall down in the shallow class of ignorant people or even at some worse levels to the largest problem of our society-the ignorant class of people.
Let us first analyse this accident. Why and what causes this? In attempting to answer this, we will have to look at the first group of people and the most important class of our society-the ignorant people. They comprise the highest number of our population. Without this group a lot will be bored. And because of them many successful people are laughing. Our societies stem is them. What is not surprising of course is that they do not know each other. They are not aware of their fellow brothers. When they do they become intelligent at an average level. As the third group of people-the averagely intelligent people- when they fall from their natural class to the first or second, they become even more ignorant or stupid than those they are joining. And most of the times when they do, they cannot get back anymore. This accident has nothing with nature but with our environment.
The fourth and the dominating class of people are the extraordinarily intelligent group of people. They constitute the smallest number of our population. They are usually the most powerful and the richest. They are not necessarily the most intelligent people but so they constructed it. Without such fabrications, they are doomed to equality.
Stupidity and ignorance as a power of attraction. In our society, we are most comfortable with ignorant and stupid people. The later may not be that much easy to handle but the intelligent cannot manipulate each other most of the times. They celebrate on the ignorance of these people. They are successful because these people failed. And they construed and constructed their failures.
“We know” and the “they don’t know” people. The most powerful means to any domination is knowledge. Having any knowledge that an opposing party lacks is always a great advantage. For the fact that other classes are made to believe that they don’t know, make them fail. They cannot fight for and against domination until they are aware of their own weakness. The weakness created by the most powerful of the society.
What is most important to me is the stupid and the ignorant class of people. They are the most important part of the pyramid. The constitute the majority of the society. When they cannot develop themselves, any class among the third and the forth(the average and the most intelligent class) who use them wins.
The pyramid is that of a deliberate construction by the topmost classes. However, the third class has a little control and power in the pyramid.
At birth we were both given brains. At least we could calculate the basics of many of the things we live around with. This class creation came due to our nurturing. An artificial creation. It was and I would claim done by the fourth class of people-the most intelligent group of people. They deliberately do it to meet their ends. They have done it to legitimize their positions. They cannot claim to be the most intelligent people without normalising the stratification. Everything is stupid in a mumbo-jumbo way .
Modernity is as essential as barbarism in this discussion. To address well the issue of the power embedded in ignorance, we must also know if we are modern, barbaric or developing. For belonging to any of this group, naturally labels a person. Marx will socially put people into a class structure and Aristotle will do as well. I have not found many doubts in their claims. I believe those status have more importance only if they are class as discussed here. The most intelligent people are usually economically upright or at least to a recognisable status of well-living.
In the outsides of the walls of the most intelligent people, are the other three classes who do largely know little about each other. Due to their ignorance of each other and to the advantage of the most intelligent class, they are exploited, misused and dumped. The other three classes are in fact at conflict with each other. They are scared of each other. The ignorant class who is aware of the stupid class, could not assume their responsibility of uplifting this class of people because they are by default themselves not knowledgeable. They only group of people to have done this work is the third class-the averagely intelligent people. Also they failed in their trails due to the lack of support. Since they are overshadowed by the other two populations, their service in orienting them is nearly unnoticed. What is more dangerous however, due to this, these people at some point lost their normal class position joining the groups they intended to help. They becomes ignorant themselves either because they spend more time in trying to uplift the ignorant and stupid group of people rather than upgrading themselves or because they were outnumbered and overpowered by these people.
At the end they subdue but by becoming ignorant of their own status, thinking that those they are developing are now developed to their own status. They failed to understand at this point their own ignorance of not developing themselves. They have shared all the ideas they have to these people. They had nothing in the stores new and could no more borrow the ears of those they tend to uplift. These classes also out of ignorance made the averagely intelligent people, uncomfortable about their own intelligence. They cannot serve anymore. The worst of all ignorance is when you don’t know that you are ignorant yourself. Here we won’t count the stupid. They are not aware of their own status. Though the ignorant are most of the times aware of their status, but many are at conflict with themselves. How and Why? They do not easily acknowledge their ignorance, even though they know it in their inner-selves, publicly they refuse. This has many grips into what culture or society one belongs to. Normally, the averagely intelligent group of people failed because they are not recognised by this people which they expected. The ignorant are shy and many a times ashamed. This has led them to naturally feel subordinated. They are the people unconsult and ignored. Anytime they are in the picture of the mainstream is most at their disadvantages. They are angry of this but hardly could they help it singlehandedly. They are also at conflict with the average intelligent people. They feel those people belittle them which is the case most of the times. They liked to be recognized as well. They want to be free from ignorance and even were they are swallowed up in it, never do they want to be labelled so. Simply they refuse that the averagely intelligent people are above them. This make their uplifting more difficult.
Belonging to any group of these people, means a lot. It is a stratification of importance. Hardly is the ignorance or stupidity of the richest class of our society noticed. This is because association to any group other than the most intelligent class will reduce their importance. Even where the wealthiest people are ignorant or stupid they back-up themselves with technocrats who maintain them to a class they sometimes do not belong. So is it for the other classes. Some are fortunately and unfortunately misplaced.
While the extremely intelligent people fight with all means to legitimize their hegemony, they are also very much aware of the conflict amongst these other classes of people. They facilitate it by gaining the advantage of one group against the other. Since the recognition from these three groups of people is instrumental to them(the forth class), they became very important. For their survival and continuality at the helm of subjugating and exploiting the prowess of these groups, they must be friends themselves. They share everything in common. They discuss about maintaining their status and how possibly they could for the next generations of their own. They are jingoistic and do not bother about the welfare of others. Where they do is because theirs is also of concern. Since they live in a state of selfish fear they never want to help uplift other classes of people. They work on every other modality to save guide their interests against the other group of people. They want a closed group, control and dictated by them.
To the ignorance of these other classes, stabilizes the forth class. The exceptionally intelligent people are few yet powerful simply because they are very conscious of the other groups. They could manipulate them to serve their interests. The only group they found difficult to deal with is the third class-the closest class and the most intelligent class after them. They consider these people enemies but they are worship by these their enemies. They are recognised by them also by the ignorant class of people whose recognition is not so important to them.
Within themselves as the most intelligent people, they communicate in a different language. A language that is understandable only to them. They use this linguistic other to play their cards to meet their ends. Where they are understood, they shifted to the ordinary language of the ignorant class of people which they rarely do. And where they are translated by the average intelligent people, they are misinterpreted. However, these misunderstandings yet serve to empower the most intelligent class. After all they intentionally communicate in this extraordinary language because they refuse to widen their class. If they should spread or propagate knowledge into other classes, they will lose their status.
What all these otherness is about is something known to only two classes-the forth and the third class respectively. They are differently aware of it. They could be enemies but they share the advantages gained from the ignorance of these other classes. The third class who is mostly associated to the second and first class, tries to inform them that the forth class is their common enemy however, many of those information themselves are insufficient and incorrect. The averagely intelligent class are commonly philanthropists but there efforts are hardly noticed. They campaign against the fourth group but with the wrong methodologies and limited aids. They usually belong to the middle-class. They could not give much and die. This continue as an obstacle to their self-development. They saw the fourth class as limited and that they cannot belong to them. They become subjects of the fourth class even where they do not like it. They work for them and obey them strictly thus narrowing down their own intelligence.
Our society is divided among these groups. “They” and “we” or “us” and “others” are the harmful weapons of the vocabulary of our society. Anytime we talk “we want to belong or not to belong”, “recognised or not to be”, or “intelligent, stupid or ignorant”.
Another power in ignorance is pretence. Many people and especially those intelligent , usually pretend not to know what they know. They wisely do this to gain more knowledge while refusing to share theirs. They are normally very selfish. They make fun of the WH questions in asking you out for more answers while acknowledging their ignorance. They are cunning people. They hardly share their wisdoms.
Another group of people who use ignorance to earn their means are the intelligent people. Here even the ignorant could be to some extend intelligent. What matters here is the group one is dealing with. To earn your ends you go to a person you believe lacks the knowledge you have. Each class of people could manipulate each other. Since no one is omnipotent even among the most intelligent people, the cards of ignorance are usually complicated. They are always meticulous in their dealings since a mistake by them means a subordination. They think they are the role models and the senses of the other classes. They use other classes to clear their ignorance. Any mistake from these people serves as a stepping stone for them.
The first class which I regard as the most important group of people are the ignorant class. They outnumbered all the other classes. Their single unpredicted actions can change the society. And since no one knows their next step, everyone lives in ignorance. But this very power of theirs is unknown even to themselves since they are not aware of their actions. They are the steering wheel of our society. Any class who turn them to their favour, will easily achieve its goals since they are the most populous.
The ignorant class are very feeble as the stupid class. However they have certain differences. An ignorant could easily become averagely intelligent someday when s/he learns with submission and acknowledgement of his/her ignorance while a stupid person is a difficult character. They are not submissive and cannot most of the times acknowledge. They are simply stupid. They are both the construction and destruction of our society. It takes time and patience dealing with them which the other classes will rather prefer using for their own development. This while to the ignorance of the other classes, increase the population of the class of ignorant people and the same for their power. The intelligent are intelligent because the stupid are stupid. The intelligent are intelligent because there is an over-flooding of both ignorant and stupid people.
At some point in time, we are all ignorant. A westerner could be ignorant about African culture so as an African could be. What is difficult about a stupid character is that they do not know their ignorance no do they for their capabilities. They simply do not know themselves. A baby is ignorant most of the times in her growth. She might not be necessary stupid. Stupidity is calculated at maturity. Intelligence on the other hand is seen at childhood. A child possesses traits that informs the society which class she actually may belong to. She grows to defer these predictions or accept them. Largely, her belonging to any class also have a lot to do with nurturing.
Our educational systems are structured in such a manner that the differently able ignorant and stupid class will have to scarify themselves before they succeed. The structure does not favour them.
After all, we are what we are because we are either intelligent, stupid or ignorant. Most of these has to do with our own constructions. It is inevitable belonging to any of these classes but it is evitable remaining there. All this has to do with our own convictions.
Civilization is crucial in this discussion. Frequently, we do not notice the power of ignorance in us. The most civilized and developed countries tend to have low ignorant and stupid class of people while the others are condemned to poverty associated to their higher percentage of ignorant and stupid class people.
We are all ignorant and ignorance is a powerful weapon. In this stage and times of ours, the age of science and technology, everyone is nearly new and ignorant wanting to know more. However, there is no specific knowledge that clear us out of our ignorance. We might try and try but the more we take our journeys to discover, we come across more things we never think about.
Every new century is nearly an age over the other. History told us more but yet deceive us as well. Everything is taught in a way unreal and real that create or deny knowledge. We are chasing behind knowledge everyday but in an advance world of ours we are always ignorant and due to this those who discover first subjugate the late comers. It is a struggle against others. You want your own advancement first.
I really like your style of explaining the things in detail, in an original style , seems like you go deep in the center of the problems and provide the reader with all the necessary arguments , although the language is sophisticated for the common readers. This is a very thought-provoking article , it has a double perception on me. First, I think I have an answer of the topic, but the real effect is that I get more and more questions which I need to share for clarification , possibly with the author, or with other interested people.