Monday, December 21, 2015

A Review of THE ECOLOGY OF LAW by Ugo Mattei and Fritjof Capra

Until now, analysists of all types have found it difficult to comprehensively bring to focus what has hold us to this status quo of bastardisation. Why we perpetuate with seemingly no signs of progress to maintaining our ecology is because science and law has never been in common terms. A book of such nature from a scientist and a legal scholar of our modern age is of cause apt and has come at a time where we are almost eaten by our own misdeeds. The newest and only book that has brought long thinking scientific, legal and political problems many solutions has finally knock at you brain doors.
‘The climate of fear’ which The Ecology of Law presents, most be attended to through dialogues between world powers with the steering wheels of science and jurisprudence. The authors who are well endowed with knowledge especially in the areas of science and law (which are the main scope or themes in the book) has left no single stone untorn in recovering our ecosystem and preserving the scared and threaten living stems.
Human beings are in this century ‘the most treacherous’ creatures the authors here try to euphemistically put it. Humans have through their actions and inactions almost put into danger every other species and now try battling to save themselves just like the satire given in the use of the Nile perch. I compare the excellent narrative and analysis of The Ecology of Law to be a recapitulation of the climate of fear we are almost loosing energy to resist. The two excellent scholars maintain that while the rhetoric of science and jurisprudence may bind people together it could also blind them. They vehemently belief in the restoration of dignity particularly to the dispossessed people via collaborative networks among all stake holders especially scientists and legal scholars and with these they believe is a significant pathway to resolving our ‘ecological crises’ the expression I assumed best suit our calamities. They consider peaceful intellectual and collaborative negotiations and participation to be the solution at the heart of our ecological crises.
The order in which we live cannot be natural and never could it be attributed amicability between science and jurisprudence. The reason is obvious. Science cannot call for self-extinction and even where it mistakenly does, law would not be that blind not to sniff the truth. In this book, we are told that our contemporary tribulations where the driven forces(science and jurisprudence) have not been living completely indifferent from each other, are now about to meet over the same drawing table and we will sooner say yes to the new global shift in defending our ecology and preserve the commons from vanishing.
As it is clearly under manifestation that our everyday troubles are principally as a result of the failure of science and law, the authors in this record-breaking book does not only reiterates that fact but also they do simplify a lot of misconceptions between the two essential branches themselves and also among the ordinary people. To better claim our ecosystem, a better understanding is first and foremost solicited which the scholars here have unequivocally given. Of cause we all at some point think without any iota of doubt that a stronger collaboration is needed for our ecological system but hardly do scholars put down what they categorially meant by that. However,The Ecology of Law has sermon everyone together by hitting the nail on the head. Our overdue tribulations has been a lack of combine endeavours between science and law which is now on the verge of becoming history.
“The very essence of this paradigm shift is a funda­mental change of metaphors: from seeing the world as a machine to understanding it as a network of ecological communities,” Capra and Mattei. However, science has always being generative rather than extractive as the authors put it. Nowadays, we are confronted with a system of total forgetfulness (to be civilise) in being responsible to the preservation of our own lives. The industrial age that is dictated by the capitalist market pay no attention to the repercussions it cost to the environment. They are blindly profit driven at all cost even where it means recognising or seeing every living thing an endangered species. What these venture inhumane capitalists are mostly preoccupied with is their selfish gains through devastating the fauna and flora.
Unfortunately we will continue to bear the brunt of evil capitalism where the minority decides for the majority of the poor and the unprivileged at a very heavy cost where they can hardly climb the social lather. It is no time soon according to the transparent jinx seen in our modern studios and laboratories that we will reach a common understanding towards a common goal, meanwhile, such a brilliant efforts by Mattei and Capra in calling the attention of all stakeholders to do their utmost is a great achievement. The new shift of paradigm that The Ecology of Law is campaigning for, in all the senses of the narration is that of a common baseline of understanding, co-operation(not in the capitalist sense), and collaboration first to seeing our problems as being systematic rather than being disorganised natural orders.
Finding any solution to the already uncontrolled ‘ecological crises’ as the authors prefer to express it, must come first under science and law and others only secondarily. We are now faced with choosing either to be friendly with our ecology of with we are not exclusive or choose to confront unbeatable battle of preventing our untimely extinction. The scholars call to convergence between the “law of nature and the law of man” to combat today’s global ecological crises and prevent that of the future. Modernity pays more attention to market without fundamentally given consideration to where the products are coming from and how they should be used to regenerate more. To the capitalist market, the end justifies the means. However, the two humanists here(Mattei and Capra), calls for a responsible shift from science and a corresponding one from law to give a chance to human civilization and craft better a new ecological other in our laws.
Stories has almost become one and perspectives the same. Mattei and Capra have call for a new revolution in the Western legal thought where social realities are correctly attended to. The Ecology of Law is the only book that sounds like seeing all the mishaps that are destroying our social fabric thereby becoming so antagonistic to our own environment. The way in which themes of such are discussed here, shows that we a badly in need of an objective framework in protecting the commons from total extinction.
Law should not be seen as a means of violence or power but rather it should solidify the cultural and traditional lives of the people and make them sovereign. Only in this way, the commons could be generative. The Ecology of Law sufficiently and aptly presented how better institutions could lead to better ecology and stronger people.
Nevertheless, with all the optimism the authors portrayed constantly and concretely here, they are in doubt if the politicians and business tycoons will heed to this new evolution forgetting their profit oriented minds and shower some solidarity compensation to those they are causing harm to. They remain pessimistic that our beautiful ecosystem will survive without all and sundry converging together to make our earth habitable, until and until then, The Ecology of Law would be regathered a complete evolution.

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