Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Borders are lifeless but take more life than the angry Western-African dictators.
It is not a story nor is it news anymore that precious lives are taken every minute owing to our inhuman constructed border laws.
While forgetting about the disadvantaged and unprivileged persons running from their mother lands for lives and to be recognized as refugees, it is a crime that a flight was cancelled or their is traffic jam at Rome, Paris or near the Black-house(white-house).
Man-evil(mankind) continue to spend incalculable amount of energy, time and resources building fences and buying guns to kill people at the borders.
Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.
Europe has almost spent more than it should take to develop the third-world countries. Better still, that amount of human and non-human resources could have been used to compensate Africa at least for Europe’s continuous rape of her body.
Yet as an “idiot” African(some western colonial minded professors will label me), I cannot think western ideologies that to my understanding are a backfire to themselves.
Imagine the ungodly, evil and bastardized walls and fences of America, Spain, Greece, Hungary, France to name just the mainstream evil powers, boiling down to the old, lazy, cruel, and archaic “safety” control measures provided to migrants at the mercy of the high seas.
If we are definitely not more animal than we think we are, how dare we practice cannibalism?
Africans, Asians and Latin Americas are second class animals in the world of political and economic discussions. They will be only considered where they cannot be ignored. They are the odd ones completely out.
In the streets of Banjul, Nairobi, Bamako, Dakar, e.t.c are hungry, sick, malnourished, unschooled children welcoming Barack Obama. In their dreams for a better future they sing we hope he can change Africa.
In the streets of Rome, Berlin, Paris, and in the shadow of the Dark-House of America are the same unprivileged person without education, jobs, talk less of a house to rest in.
When famine, diseases, wars, drought, pollution and artificial economic crises called for public attention it is mostly Africa that is disadvantaged.
They inhabit all beauties but also custodians of western constructed disasters that painted them ugly. It is not wrong to say, Africa is the second largest continents and the richest of all . But why this paradox of poverty striking people in the wilderness of diamonds, golds, oil and arable land?
Now these people in search for their seemingly lost beauty, are compelled out of their homes but almost for the worst. They approach the lands that robbed them(yet continue to do so) off their cultures, history and resources. To their utmost suspense and surprise, these lands are unwelcoming to them.
Now, they have lost their true identities and getting to them no way out. Are these “people” people? How long should they suffer?
Part of those luckiest persons who made it to this “foreign” land, I am yet to receive recognition. I am looked at as a different Homo Sapiens mistakenly in an unknown habitat. However, many of my culprits might have their hearts in the right places. What is unfair of them is refusing me of my inalienable dignity. My human status though they would argue the basis of my this claim.
Recently, the immigration office refused to accredit my permit and this has cancelled my trip to England(the colonial masters of my ancestors) on a great platform on migration. My contributions in which would have been substantial. As was said above, since my participation is likely indispensable, the colonial powers had it that I could still be instrumental via Skype.
I might break the status quo by leaving for Paris undocumented this summer as I cannot afford to miss a central discussion on Africa.
My tears of hope are new and always growing but I doubt if this is the same for millions of my fellow brothers.

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