The voice of the suffering is ignored because it is unpleasant to the powers that be and this is the highest form of injustice any society will tolerate in this 21st century. The powers behind your suffering will not serve you. Annihilate them and assume your real status. Any power that subjugates the disadvantaged and induces injustice is bound to be eliminated because it is evil and against human progress. That Gambians are in the streets today crying and dying in poverty unheard is more than injustice and this is the worst testimony of how an unconcerned a people we are. Who is responsible and what can be done about this?
Arbitrary governments are bad for growth, because it leads to high taxes, regulations, corruption and rent seeking which all calumniate to poverty by reducing incentives to produce. The majority of any arbitrary government are poor and ignorant
Many things come and goes but authorities in The Gambia seem to be static for their own selfish interests and nothing up to date is significantly done about that. People are worried but many spend their worrying energies at their comfort zones. From politicians to the last private citizen. Unemployment is rampant, poverty is speedily on the growth, life expectancy is declining, women and children continue to undergo most of the suffering with the highest level of ignorance, diseases, and lower opportunities while the majority of their men colleagues breath the air of suffering in their own ways.
In answering the question: who is responsible for these sufferings, takes us back to the roots of our geopolitical system and of course to the etymology of the very word. Gambians are all but not equally responsible for the calamity of injustice that we have made our politicians play on us. We have trained them well to weaken , enslave, discriminate, separate and disunite us to their own jingoistic intentions.
From the first day we have allowed them to point at us, labelled, detained and imprisoned us, we have from that day boycotted our mission to self-liberation that we today sought for. From that point in which your innocent friend was detained for no justifiable reason and you sit patiently to await his torture and death, you have joined the cruel power. At that time you have entered the market and came out without the ability to buy anything and you have contained it by not speaking against those evil powers driving that market, you have boycotted the struggle. That many Gambians leave from hand-to-mouth is the reality of our weakness and we are responsible altogether. That majority of the Gambians are struggling to keep their status of being subsistence farmers and cannot even find just markets for the little they are able to produce tell the falsity of what a majority we are. That many brave men and women either became fugitives or political imprisoners is an epidemic we must control.
When media houses are built to serve the powerful instead of propagating the truth, and security officials are licensed to kill and not protect the citizens, we have lost our mission and left our goals at stake. That the legislative power does hears not the voices of the suffering is a testimony we as Gambians must change. For the independence of the judiciary not to be infiltrated by any cruel authority, addressing the voices of the suffering most be their principal goal. For the fact that our executive power is asleep at the interest of the voices of the suffering, any action or inaction today is indispensable for our freedom.
Gambians must take charge of what belongs to them. This is just more than chanting the name of those in cages and those buried. We are all not free. We need more than just dreams. Our paradigm to emancipation should be an everlasting model to bring back power to the hands of the masses who will transparently structure their own progress- our destiny.
We as Gambians must foresee that our liberation is not a dream but a duty and a goal to be realised now and forever. We must not just proclaim and sleep, acknowledged and do nothing, the service for a country and a people is more than forgoing our own comfort zones to the streets. It involves a selfless tireless motive to prepare a better future for the generations yet to come.
As a people with a goal to assume civility and enhance justice by bringing concrete opportunities to the door step of every Gambian, is more than a street work. It is a continues work even against the power you might dream for. A struggle that is not structured against oppression is futile. Our struggle today should be guided by the common sense that Gambians from all corners of this universe need their true status. That we must sacrifice time, energy and resources to building a better Gambia should be assumed by all and for all with preferences.
We all have a role to play in leaving The Gambia a little better than we have found it. This is a duty not to be betrayed at all. As citizens without differences, we must call justice for all and built strong barriers against injustices. That the weak and the poor, women and children shall live a dignified life must be attained through our unbiased collective anthem. That someday soon, we as Gambians will live harmoniously together with all differences must be attained. That as Gambians we must achieve our unnegotiable constitutional and human rights is sacred. That our children will be born outside prison cells is golden and shall be the national anthem of all citizens.
Suffering and happiness are enemies but if our suffering today stands in the way of our happiness tomorrow, we must seek for it at all cost. This is the unnegotiable sacred mission of every Gambian.
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