“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”, George Orwell, Animal Farm.
No society has ever attained an equal status for all. Historically, many had tried even very well to attain some comfortable ground for all but the more comfortable some become, the less for others. Man is ever willing to maximize its utility in whatsoever course it might take and this is even more evident now than ever before. There are more poor people than there were 200 years ago, there are more serious threats now than there ever have been, there are more inequality now than ever before yet we celebrate walking on the moon, manufacturing drones, and spending millions in building walls and borders ahead of migrants or even shooting boats or leaving them to wallow in the deep sea.
The more we celebrate our scientific discoveries, the more challenging problems they institute into our societies. The use of missiles, drones, atomic bombs caused more harm than good, yet because of the profit it creates for the venture capitalist, it is legitimately one of the most lucrative business for the affluent. Any time a missile is use millions worth of value is lost. It will always take lives and destroy habitations and disturb sustainability of our ecosystem. The negative consequences of a missile might haunt us for decades or probably to the end of time. The pollution they caused, the senseless labour it takes to manufacture and use them, the deprivation it caused to the population are far too much for our imagination. It is okay for a young girl to die in the Mediterranean than a dog to lack a meal. We are more supportive to animals than we are for fellow human beings. We campaign against global warming but we spend billions on arms while institutionalizing poverty. For The United States of America, it is wrong and impermissible for the North Koreans to test their missiles in the international seas destabilizing the whole aquatic life but they(US) could choose to bombard Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and institute other wars and conflicts everywhere they wish, plundering, stealing, and instituting American superiority!
From the times of slavery, to colonialism, from imperialism to neo-colonialism (to the exportation of western hegemony whether via their religions, cultures or education) everywhere outside their walls, is to say northernism is better than southernism. Before the southerners were enslaved, northerners first convinced themselves as the best species. Before any imperial ambition is ever carried out, southerners must first be seen as inferiors and therefore, legitimate to occupy and destroy them.
Globalization has brought us to live in a global village yet it carries with it the western superiority dictating our trade interactions, military influence, and global politics. Globalization is another westernization. It carries with it legitimately all the hidden evil powers of the West mesmerizing the livelihood of the disadvantage south. We are not for sure, crying for equality but to say that the game and the playing rules are totally wrong and in favour of the already powerful West who has looted all the reaches of the South. Equality is challenging but fairness is not so. What propel the uncountable uncomforted unfair nature of poverty, injustice, corruption and seemingly eternal inequality we continue to survive today is all a deliberate western construction. Nothing more, nothing less. The make the dubious playing game, its cards and make the rules to suit their consumption.
The consensus that emerge anytime world power meet is never in favour of the less advantage and less privileged majority, who largely live in the south. From the new international standards in the labour market to the exploitation of natural resources are but cunningly promulgated to bastardize the south and empower the west . At the heart of the crises we are surviving today, we are yet unable to show solidarity to the less advantaged south whose powerful contribution lead to almost all our global economic boom still they are the worst sufferers anytime wilful miscalculations and speculations are done. It is time we compensate those who cannot be paid. Must we not turn the playing dice now for the security of all southerners and northerners together? If the south is used to empower the west, it will sound nicer for them to be compensated for the priceless services they are compelled to do since the beginning of history.
If the West must continue to assume the role of the world’s policeman, it must also beware of dispensing justice without ill will. There is no excuse for them to put at stake the social security and protectionism of the South. That is unfair and we cannot even debate about that for sure. What we aim here, is that, the floor of the global social protectionism do not depend on the West entirely and they must not assume it so, instead, social security and economic necessity to combat poverty , terror, corruption and social exclusion must flow naturally and horizontally using appropriate domestic approaches first and international models only secondarily. This we think is affordable, appropriate and less confronting. This way, south and southerners are guaranteed by themselves and can, therefore, face their own challenges independently.
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