We have now reach the end of the marathon. Results still appending. People yet more perplex than ever before. Mother nature is crying and her children much more ignorant and greedy. We are at loggerheads with what the real playing cards should be and what they should actually entail.
We are now in our jubilation moods that science continue to be the leading discovery tool and that it is guided by her own laws and seconded or defended by profound legal tools. This is a strong amalgamation and a breakthrough. And with this, we will understand how our ecological footprints are under pressure. With jurisprudence as a strong allied now, we are hopeful that lawyers and legal gurus will not just defend cooperate interests against the commons-ecosystem.
When we put into focus in our academic discourses of what a horrific pattern we are taking towards our ecosystem,we always tend to ignore politics as a solution. We tend to forget the mechanism under which we are operating. Politics in this our desperate seek for solutions is second to nothing. And this must be made clear for it is the power of the problem and the solution.
Weathering into science and jurisprudence without involving politics will be definitely void in any of our golden concerns to drive back to nature and to regenerate our ecosystem. With a simple mathematics into any given equation, the problem must first be fully understand then a solution could be amicably found. However, knowing fully that we are loosing our ecosystem due to the malpractices that our own actions are causing, we must fist consult our conscience. Of course, most of the ecologically unfriendly behaviours are coming from the actions of multi-companies/multi-nationals and who directly dance to the wimps of political powers. These companies are powerful as they are because they are in harmony with the political engineers. We will not debate out their evil relationship since that is generally transparent. What we basically need here is a correlation of the two mentioned fields above,(science and jurisprudence)and politics or even economics. We cannot call for bread without the service provider and so we cannot call for a solution without involving the parties involve. Politics is the brain behind the ecological hiccoughs we continue to survive. We must involve the politicians to find a better ground.
Warmly and warmly we are striving to nowhere without calling for a convergence between nature and politics. Both areas are disciplined not necessarily distinct from each other. Since naturally we “cannot” stop destructive scientific inventions that are scrambling for our limited ecosystem, what we do have to see for is a political intervention. It is the force destroying our ecology and until it is alerted, we will continue to hallucinate for better a world.
While exploitative economic systems cover themselves with politics, science and jurisprudence continue to hustle for independent solutions. Why should they battle for acceptance? In approaching a global problem, a global solution most be solicited. Scientists and legal gurus are just as conscious as the politicians are, their deference is while it takes a decade to hear from an Italian legal scholar or an american physicist, it takes probably an hours to hear from a Gambian dictator.
When the best is not available, the available becomes the best! Though, politics and politicians might be seen as the dirty cards joker/s, it does not negate the fact that they are fundamental in this whole games of throne. Maneuvers anywhere are invaluable for any metamorphoses especially that which has to do with our immediate survival.
Many scholars, including activists in all fields of life have grown despondent over the seeming inability of the politicians to tackle head-on the fatal ecological crises we are facing today, yet, could we actually triumph without political cards? Crises as to which mechanism is sustainable, is totally a political procedure and directive even though science must give the breakthrough first. Many others are also gravely concerned about proceeding with “elections” under the auspices of science and jurisprudence about the heavily complex capitalist political structures giving way to our ecological disappearance, however, without no first look at politics, current circumstances, including many more to come will be heavily skewed.
Wonderful when we see grave problems, difficult they are to solve though. Some express doubts about the alacrity and/or capacity of the politicians/politics to take on the big issues in the public interest. These are all legitimate concerns and should be accommodated. Meanwhile, we must not fail to understand that it is a common problem and only a common solution could serve longer.
Well is quite commendable and glorious to see the concerns of scientists and legal gurus pondering for a solution into what might be a better world, it will be much more if they succeed in bringing to table politicians to debate about the matter. This way, it is not “an empathy ideological jihad or academic overexercise” but rather a common call for a common overdue solution. Many who profess serious concerns or doubts are great people, who continue to battle the system valiantly, while some watch from the sidelines. The politicians are akin to an enterprise just as the scientists or the legal gurus. “It is a game if you like”. Every scientist or legal guru is a shareholder entitled to political dividend. Every politician is also entitled to equal say on all matters of this common enterprise. As your property, your right to determine it’s fate is both sacred and sacrosanct. Admittedly there are so many issues with the politicians, but so are with the polity as well and so is it in science and jurisprudence. The politicians are nothing without us. So before playing politics in fields it is rather awkward, we better play it in its right parameters! We can make and unmake politics/politicians and so is our ecosystem but only when the apt mechanisms are given.
When politicians are found wanting, they call for legal defense. When they need new machines/instruments, scientists arrive to their aid, “but when the whole world need help we call for politicians because it is much more a wider scope for both science and jurisprudence.” Politics have the only power to enforce environmentally friendly mechanisms and the power to make it legal or otherwise.
We need a shift of paradigm from divergence to convergence on matters of public interest. It is alright to condemn the market politics that is extraordinarily polluting, exploitative and polluting, but, is better to solve it with those who are controlling this evil wheel.
When you cannot do without something, you are compelled to adapt to it. Trying to fix our ecology in accompany with politicians who are giving ways to all types of markets will be much more better than abandoning them as it will acknowledge their endeavors.
Well, it is clear now than ever before, that politics is ruling over all disciplines but it is difficult to understand, that we need political solutions into our must challenging maters like our ecological system. Notwithstanding, the politicians needs scientists and legal gurus, empathy and understanding most, your help to direct it, shape it and launch it as you desire is indispensable. It does not require your sympathy. It demands your partnership, but must not be permitted to ‘gallivant’ on its own devices — you ought to ensure that. You could only determine that if you take ownership of the process. You cannot do that if you distance yourself from them because you do not approve of their methods or unwillingness to apply certain methods. Do not defeat yourself. If you do not want them to proceed with elections, take the gauntlet in your own hands, making sure they do not. Whatever your priority may be, if the politicians did not respond to them, then its a direct reflection of your own failure too. A people get the type of leadership they mould. For instance, I have no qualms to being guided, criticized, investigated, debated upon, confronted, being put to task, and certainly I also want to be practically supported fully if you find me the material. Those who don’t, have the option not to support me, opt for others or requiring me to further prove my salt. This is basic. The politicians must be minted by you in such a way that your compass would be their sole navigational instrument. Get your fingers oiled in the world politics for ecological change. Your seat at the table is assured, assume it. Do not wait to be invited. The price that you pay for not getting practically involved is to get the results others decide for you. The choice is yours.
I remember discussing with a friend of mine late night yesterday about this topic, inspired by a lecture that two famous professors, Mattei and Capra held in Turin. My friend, was perplex about the success of the systemic theory, since it did not included the politics, but left it apart. The question that he brought was : How is it possible to not involve a force that has the determining power in our society, the one who connects all the 'dots'... the politics ? It is the biggest game of all. The rules are set, you as demo (people, from the Greek language) must participate and interact in order to make the right choice , or as usual the least worst choice.
ReplyDeleteThe part I like most about this article is the one which involves publicly the politicans, oh yeah they must get involved in this movement and give their ideas and opinions in bright light, not as usually happens behind the curtains.
Nice article, keep it up Alagie.
I held that conviction, that until politics is welcomed, our path to recovery is still dark and since politics is indispensable in this go, why not involve it the best way possible?