Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Sustaining The Gambia is becoming more concerning to all patriotics than any other matter as the winds of change perfectly turn deaf ears to the whistle blowers. This concern is much more challenging than any problem that ever confronted us. The Gambia is moving towards an ever-increasing disorder which is disintegrating every sector and parameters of our society into invisible pieces. Most of these insignificant breakdowns of our social relations and  connectivity are now challenging us to frame a systematic recovery project that we have to see all together. When a society continue to abandon its holds of developments whether political, social,cultural, economical, spiritual among the rest, there is a point to say all have gone nearly wrong and that we need an ecological sustainability. I use the term ecological sustainability because as social beings in a society we inevitably have to amicably and appropriately communicate for our survival and for the upkeep of our ecosystem. Since we are directly related to other organisms as well, the manner in which we relate to them has always being a great deal of concern for instance pollution, desertification, deforestation, Erosion, urbanization, diseases, ignorance, corruption and the like which are all term as interesting social vices in this discourse.
The Gambia is severely witnessing all these problems and it looks like no one takes it a serious responsibility to face the  problems for likely solutions or at least those who care are so feeble to make any significant change. Political leaders are no where around convergence for national interest and the masses are so notably ignorant to understand the game.  

This sustainability project talks about awareness that will educate citizens without acquisition of degrees or certificates. It is what I call self-emancipation. Gambians first have to be interested in local politics and must learn to understand how to engage their political figures to acquire freedom from all constraints. Politics is inevitable and very instrumental in our democratization towards all kinds of developments that we are presently obstructed from which is all due to our ignorance and nonchalant attitudes towards local politics. When citizens take it as a secured responsibility to challenge the status quo and dictate matters themselves, then they could free themselves from bad politicians and combat corruption and other factors confronting their ecological sustainability. However, what is transparent in our Gambian situation is nearly a ground of the strong allies against the weaker ones and people have become independent parts from each other and no one wants to follow any selfless end. We cannot continue to blame part of a body and praise others when we seek unity. Every single organ of an organism is indispensable and must be watered as all others. Thus, what Gambians seek for is not disintegration of any kind but negotiations of all types to reach a sustainable ecological plan that will emancipate all its people from all deficiencies. We cannot be proud of politicians whether right or left until they reach a common anthem and forget their personal differences in our joint efforts to reach a novel Gambia. We solicit Gambians as drivers of their own destinies and not single political figures. We believe that the power of the people belongs to them and no combined effort of any political figures should disanable that. In this belief, we relentlessly cultivate in every citizen of The Gambia that their power is a living thing and when their powers die, their bodies become a liability and dance to the wimps of any future-tyrannical political system. 

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