Saturday, October 1, 2016
Friday, September 2, 2016
Africa is still in a crucial and fragile state of transition. Africans are beginning to change their conceptions on a whole lot of things. For example: what causes rain? What causes drought? are still a matter of what type of background one emanated from. Many still believe that droughts are caused by the number of twins born in a particular year while others refer it to the furiousness of the gods! However, a lot more traditional Africans are beginning to open themselves to the scientific knowledge that droughts are not caused by the number of twins born in a year and it has nothing to do with the gods either. This shift in paradigm from ignorant primitive African conception to the Western scientific realities of life is good. What is bad, however, is the evil eye of the same western lifestyle of industrialisation that continues to rob even more heavily the indigenous African from their typical harmony with nature. Droughts, food insecurity, hunger, poverty, diseases, global warming, force migration and gross inequalities here and there are different facets of the same problem – climate change. Now Africans have to choose whether to revert to their own traditional life of consumption and be in perfect harmony with their gods and environment or infinitely suffer from the “unmanageable consumption” style of the industrial/developed world partly obligated on them!
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
The faces of political parties and organisations continue to be chanted in names like: Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction , National Alliance for Democracy and Development, National Democratic Action Movement, National Reconciliation Party, People's Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism, People's Progressive Party, United Democratic Party, Gambia Party for Democracy and Progress, National Convention Party, Gambia Democratic Congress, Gambia Moral Congress, the names continue even at this point swimming in and out and against the tides of a progressive movement of any sort.
Oppositions aren’t the army of God. Neither are they the army of the voters. They are ding-dongs for their own agendas at least this is clear about the Gambian case. The ruling party takes its legitimacy to bounce at everything and everywhere they wish to drill. At least we are convinced that the future is cheerful –an unconscious fool’s paradise every Gambian is dreaming in. We want to harvest the best fruit of democracy, drink the best juice of human rights and dance in the paradise of this world without preparing to face the concrete matters that thwart our progress. We need first to figure out where these fundamental differences lie and what should be done about them. As it continues to happen in all elections, parties and party leaders will come out to propaganda without convincing even themselves. While many who converge at those scenarios aren’t particularly there to examine their manifestos but rather to chill out, amplify our living political uncertainties. The heaviest load that is betrayed by the Gambian press will never let us to the Gambia we all dream for. Journalists should have taken out on political parties and made them know to the voters. It’s the duty of the press to let transparency lead the wimps of politics and not otherwise. This, however, is unsatisfied. Journalist is ill-equipped as the other ignorant population over matters that govern them.
Politics without serious engagements isn’t worth the blessings that come with it. If you can eat your cake and have it, then you can eat the fruits of politics without voting for the right person or go through serious struggles. We all want love to eat freely from the national cake but few would love contributing to making it. However, we’ve all become fanatics in one way or the other reluctant to negotiate with each other, thus, compromising national interest. We’ve become separated almost eternally from each other and from national interest due to some insubstantial matters –you would not like to know.
Resolutions are far ahead to sure. Our energy reserves are exploding out of nothing and neither of the contestants is taking advantages nor the common people are aware of their own potentials. Or to be fair enough, the masses aren’t given the progressive patterns. The Gambia in simple terms hasn’t a sustainable governing process and this isn’t the fault of one individual or a party.
Nature of the most dangerous thing in our unification is fanaticism. We enjoy lonely travels within common political structures –unbelievable to realise. Even more heart-breaking is the fact that party leaders are consistently inconsistent in all their transparent endeavours. What more do we expect from figures who can’t back their own emotions publicly? According to Achebe the situation of this disunity is like “I am right you are wrong to that of I am right you are death.”
Development of humanity with the sound and sustainable ideas it comes with should soon reach the Gambia and safe the faiths of the mass innocent population whose lives are in the hands of unmanageable political dwarfs lying centrally wimps of their breath.
Protests, demonstrations and capitulations will continue to exist without a stop and solution as long as positive rules and symbols are still absent while misconducts from political Lilliputians continue to address matters. Genuine commitment is abruptly solicited from all Gambians.
Cover your own yard from prays first...
that we have is the irrelevant lyrical reference of hard-won freedoms of our ancestors which we aren't even struggling to defend. We as oppositions of bad governance should challenge ourselves first before falling down with our faces at our backs. We aren't disunited as they wanted us to be but we aren't united at all. This is the self-harming clarity even an unattended enemy would spot straight. The Gambian oppositions aren't a diaspora climate separated from each other like their borders; the Gambian opposition ban wagon aren't even up to their goals. Honestly we lost the go-ahead, the speed and the relevance. I know very little about the Gambian political situation but that little is core. I am willing to see a better Gambia under a party whose equations are intact and who relate to the common people at all times not because they need votes but because it is politics and they deserve it. An apposition that will strengthen the common good of all by first establishing its moral standards. We need to vote on these grounds and they must manifest this. Not only a bad government should tell us why and how, all the good and the bad share the same system of transparency under real democracy.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
The Self Portrait
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Friday, June 17, 2016
Il clima di paura
La maggior parte di ciò che abbiamo di fronte oggi non è un fatalità storica; il riscaldamento globale, le guerre, la povertà estrema, il terrorismo, la fame, gravi violazioni dei diritti umani, e la migrazione forzata. Questi sono i risultati delle nostre azioni miopi e disinteressate. Le vostre scellerate scelte politiche ed economiche hanno bloccato la vita di milioni di vite innocenti. Io chiamo questa atmosfera globale "il clima di paura". Questo non vuol dire che sono un codardo, piuttosto che voglio interpretare la nostra verità vivente. La verità che ci pone l'uno contro l'altro. Laddove la differenza di colore significa tutto.
In un modo o nell'altro, siamo tutti terrorizzati sia negli Stati Uniti, Gambia, Italia, Palestina, Siria, Iraq o in Francia. Ricco o povero, bianco o nero, sano o malato, tutti noi condividiamo il clima di paura anche se - ovviamente - in proporzioni diverse. Come africani i miei antenati erano terrorizzati dalleinvasioni dell' "uomo bianco", attraverso il colonialismo e la schiavitù ci avete distrutto in eterno. Avete stuprato, derubato, distrutto i tessuti sociali che ci tengono insieme e ora siamo in ginocchio completamente a pezzi. Ora siamo perennemente poveri, affamati, e terribilmente malati manonostante la nostra terribile situazione siamo più umani di voi! Vi siete rifiutati di dialogare con noi, di condividere la nostra empatia, di lasciare le nostre terre. Dimostrate il vostro cordoglio e sostegno con le bombe, la fame e la povertà! Continuate a controllarci da lontano attraverso il vostro subdolo modello di mercato o nel peggiore dei casi utilizzate la guerra come mezzo politico. In Libia, Somalia, Siria, Iraq, Palestina, Congo, Nigeria, Costa d'Avorio, Egitto ecc l'aria che queste persone respirano è inquinata dal vostro imperialismo.
Sia in Asia, Medio Oriente o Africa, la vostra presenza ci ha solo portato la guerra e il terrorismo, la fame e la sete, la subordinazione e la supremazia occidentale, i conflitti e la disunione, continue violazioni dei diritti umani e migrazioni di forza - in altre parole: una tragedia totale. E continuate a trattarci come merce rifiutando del tutto la nostra condizione umana.
L'Europa e forse il mondo intero si accorgeranno che i tempi stanno cambiando - oramai viviamo tutti in un mondo iperconnesso e i delitti che avete perpetuato per secoli, li pagherete con gli interessi. Dopo 400 anni di schiavitù e dicolonialismo, l'Occidente continua a dettare la sua supremazia sul resto del mondo attraverso l'uso strumentale di guerre per instaurare un clima permanente di instabilità politica e sociale. Non è abbastanza? le vostre azioni brutali hanno prodotto:Boko Haram, PKK, al-Shabab, LRA ecc che hanno ormaistabilito legami che superano i confini assumendo una supremazia ideologica pericolosissima. Milioni di persone in Asia, Africa e Medio Oriente vivono in decadenza assoluta giorno dopo giorno. Queste persone hanno il diritto alla vita e meriterebbero di decidere il loro futuro. Purtroppo, le nostre vite sono telecomandate dagli imperialisti occidentali.
Quello che noi continuiamo a sperimentare ora è il nuovo volto della realtà, una realtà dolorosa - i funghi bianchi sono pericolosi. Forzare la migrazione come conseguenza di molte tragedie occidentali, potrebbe essere proprio l'inizio!
L'Occidente dopo aver distrutto tutte le nostre istituzioni locali per un futuro migliore, non è riuscito ad accogliere le proprie vittime. Noi siamo le vostre vittime! A causa delle vostre attività disumane e senza senso all'interno dei nostri confini continuiamo a soffrire di là dell'immaginazione umana. Ci avete distrutto ma non siete riusciti a reggere le conseguenze.
Molti leader autocratici in Africa, Medio Oriente e Asia sono stati sostenute e sono sostenuti da voi. Li aiutate mentre terrorizzano la propria gente, mentre si prendono tutte le loro ricchezze. Questi dittatori hanno le loro università, sanità, aerei, armi, riparo e alcuni addirittura importano l' acqua per le loro famiglie a spese dei loro contribuenti. Ma l'Occidente invece apre loro le banche dei paradisi fiscali permettendogli cosi di sostenere i ribelli locali e di saccheggiare tutte le risorse naturali.
Noi non siamo gente povera: siamo diventati poveri attraverso lo sfruttamento occidentale e la mala gestione. Eravamopersone molto sane, infatti, ci prendevamo cura delle vostrepiantagioni, le fabbriche, le miniere, e le infrastrutture - la raccolta di pomodori e arance - ma abbiamo pagato tutto questo con le malattie.
Ora, voi dovreste restituirci ciò che ci avete rubato -Il nostro stato naturale. Vi preghiamo di lasciarci in pace! Questo mondo non è solo per le persone dagli occhi blu. Questo pianeta è un bene comune. Noi abbiamo il diritto di condividere i suoi frutti. E questo è il motivo per cui io non sono una identificazione -Non sono un migrante - Io sono un essere umano come voi.
Monday, May 23, 2016
More than 200 Gambians in prisons in Italy
The number of Gambians at different prisons in Italy has gone up to 212 of whom 210 are male and 2 female, information from the Italy Ministry of Justice has revealed.The prisoners are feared to be facing deportation. The statistics, released on 30 April 2016, have stated that there are 18,074 foreign prisoners in Italy. Other African nationals in the Italian prisons are Senegal 258, Egypt 44, Guinea 50, Niger 20, Sierra Leone 18, Sudan 35, Mali 1, and Cameron 15. Our correspondent in Italy said the staggering number is not only a growing concern to nations of affected nationalities, but also for the host country, as the prisoners have to be given food, medicine, healthcare at the expense of the Italian government. However, due to the present economic condition in Italy, it is feared that many of the basic needs of the prisoners are not attended to. For Gambians, the number is too much, but what is even more challenging for them is access to justice. Many have already been in jail for years as they know very little about the judicial procedure to seek freedom. The Centre for Identification and Expulsion in Italy said it has “a staggering number of Gambians” undergoing the judicial procedures on whether or not to be deported. Considering the fact that there are thousands of Gambians in Italy “illegally”, the number of Gambian detainees and prisoners could increase further, our correspondent said. Author: Alagie Jinkang in Italy |